Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The End... Or is it a new Beginning (My Last Blog)

Greetings True Believers!

It might come as a shock that this is actually the last time I will blog for this class, and I just put it as a link on my facebook page! The semester just flew by and Friday is our last class together. But don't be sad, be glad because that means that summer is practically here. And after that, it's school again as usual (at least for me). I know Dr. Sexson will be here and I'm pretty sure some of you are even taking his Bible class with me this fall. For those of you moving on to bigger and better things, I wish you the best. For those of you that are not, don't worry, you're not alone.

This class was far different from all the other classes I took this semester. Mostly because they were accounting courses, but also because it had a feel that no other class has had. The student interaction with other students was far superior to anything I have ever done with other students. The professor treated us like fellow travelers on a journey, instead of his flock of sheep.
(I'm tired of being led like a sheep!) And the books were engaging, transformative, and insightful as well as entertaining; not at all like that "utter non-sense" I have been reading in governmental accounting.

(Of note, I added 2 more items to my inventory that arrived today and you have to read Comic 13 on the side. Trust me on this. Read Comic 13 in my links.)

I had to tell Dr. Sexson that this class even helped me enjoy my Spider-Man comics more! I was displeased with the Deadpool issue I discussed in my paper until I went back and re-read it. Then I enjoyed it incalcuably more after studing the themes in this class and seeing them to in the text. I learned to appreciate the book so much more, and isn't that really what this class was all about?

I enjoyed many of the books we read this semester and plan to keep several of them or pass them on to my brother or sister so that they may enjoy what I have experienced. They wont have Professor Sexson's lectures, but it's like taking the same tour with a different guide.

I have to thank Rio for all of his help in and out of class. He added so much to the lectures and was the "unofficial" seventh member of group 1.Thank You so much Rio. I also need to thank my fellow members in group 1 for all of their hard work, and moments that were just fun or entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, thank you to all the other groups for your contributions to my experience in this class. The individual presentations have been great as well (I wonder if James has worked out a musical number? We have to have at least one a day).

And Finally, thank you Dr. Sexson.

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